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"Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances." - Maya Angelou

Grigory Frid

Grigori Fird was a prolific Russian composer, best known for his chamber operas The Diary of Anne Frank and the Letters of Van Gogh. The remaining enormous oeuvre consists mainly of instrumental works, songs, radio and film music.
Frid’s early works were written in a conventional style, in the tradition of the socialist realism. When he was 55, he changed his style radically, turning to the twelve-tone and other more contemporary techniques.
In 1965 Frid founded the Moscow House of Composers, which organized lecture-concerts for young people, at which works by Sofia Gubaidulina, Edison Denisov and Alfred Schnittke were often presented.

Featured on

Grigory Frid
The Complete Works for Violin and Piano
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